
In the company, as a cadre, Chasaochagang is an important task

In the company, as a cadre, Chasaochagang is an important task. The company is generally a row cadres week classes, one night a. This work is necessary, it can supervise and inspect the work of the soldiers on duty cadres, can also ensure that the military and security targets security. I joined the Army 10 years, half the time in the organs, half of the time in the company. In the company, often Chasaochagang. This Chasaochagang seemingly simple, but to get good results, there are many methods and stress. I Nan'ao Island in the time that the company, the situation is relatively simple: two units at the outpost, a fixed post, a swimming post, the other on the dog unit raised 67 dogs, in the evening, these dogs automatically to the barracks standing guard around the hill. So here is to look at the Chaisao up.
1973 I was transferred to an arms and ammunition warehouse office, the situation will be quite different. Here barracks complex area of the terrain, from the first outpost to go to the last outpost Qibali, here is the liberation of bodies up everywhere graves, bones of the dead throughout the entire area covered with weeds, lush trees, all kinds of poisonous snakes which appear . And the importance of security objectives, not perfunctory, Chaishao it is very important. On the outpost strict requirements for first class post every night surrounded by security must be inspected once again the Treasury, and to drag a drag hands warehouse door locks to see whether they lock firmly, Fangxiao, will not be allowed to rely on in the trees, etc. etc.. It is very difficult to implement these requirements, the inspections do not visited because you do not know, did not check locks you do not know, he had to rely on the post when the tree, it is up to you to the Chasao he Nuokai has also unknown. This, of course, depend on positive education and training soldiers on the sense of responsibility and consciousness, but also some measures and methods. At that time, some very Suzhulin warehouse approach, which he Chagang, dark pre-first class, he was surrounded by the Treasury to lap in the Treasury put locks on a small sand, in the outpost around the tree clearing Wong Nai more, the next day, he would get up to visit, to see the locked out of the sand did not, and then in the morning Chucao pool, back to the whole, to see who's back there Wong Nai, told to list a few of the Treasury did not lock out the sand, first class Kong last night asked who they were out for criticism and education, not the unconvinced. Basically eliminated Sentinel perfunctory do not have a strong sense of responsibility, such as the effect phenomenon. Although this is some small things, but very important set of rules and regulations, to guarantee the implementation of the supervision and inspection will be carried out, there should be measures to, or is empty. He is with some of the approaches.
1975, I was transferred to an alpine-stop service concept, not only here cadres and fighters to Fangxiao, there are many jobs, such as radar, at the Treasury, signals, interception, etc. So, not only Chaishao night, but also Chagang and all Status very scattered, a few were living in the hills, Walk down to the two to an hour, very hard, the biggest problem here is the various units guard post because of the decentralized live each unit to barracks at night, there must be a lookout by the team to make their own arrangements, the easier the problem is, in a post called a Kong, have woken up the next after that, I know that, on a post on sleeping comrades gone, as a result, a gang of comrades who turned and fell asleep on the Tuigang. Talked about this issue many times, but always unresolved, Tuigang phenomenon is a frequent occurrence. One night, I Chaishao, Xiabanye little more than Raymond, a radar unit, no outpost, all units sleep tightly, barracks doors open, arms placed in a running gun rack, I had two laps room Rao , no one wakes up, I took it in a gun rack rifles, and return to the duty room. My intention is to let them see the danger and seriousness of Tuigang. The next day, get up the morning assembly, less a radar gun unit, we find everywhere, no, but future head of the report, they asked why the station, the outpost to do, let them go back and find, not to find the gathered. I and the head of communication, morning, specialized radar units to be opened, checked reasons, on the hazards, develop measures, and then also opened the station's General Assembly, to draw lessons from other units, have received a good results. This move a little loss, but not the worst choice, not enough to arouse awareness and attention, it is still good purpose
