
And then talk about the torch in the West assaulted thing.

From a few weeks ago, a group of DL Cuanduo beating hooliganism fire everywhere when I would write articles blog curse, but I would like to go back, out two days to subside things, also bear a repeat meaningless . But a few days ago in France torch attack Once again, let me angry, no Zairen unbearable, we Road, said.
Said that the first thing a few weeks ago, at first I thought they were more eager to see chaos in the world want Erliuzi small shop opportunity smashing things, not to be the outcome, those wearing red monk's robe lamas Zade more energy! Never mind the frame you see on television out-and-out lamas waved floor tile shoot people? If you will not take a floor tile, do not shoot people, smashing shops, this picture come from?
Frankly, when I see on television lamas to face the ferocious beating smashing shop arson, very shocked, to the Buddhist compassion for the Wye, and his six clean, nothing, but the world for the common people joy and happiness. Sakyamuni Buddha Gerou feeding eagles, the king "I am not coming into hell, who all hell. Hell not air, and the way to becoming a Buddha."…… Therefore, I think that people invariably self-cultivation is charity. Tibetan Buddhism do not know and how many different Mahayana Buddhism, but also to the different burning, killing, looting does not teach people! The destruction of property, wounding lives, sin was in the first place, in which the rule of law society should bear the legal responsibility, of course, not serfs main scrapping serfs liability, sing, the first to despise. Xiubi of human stem such things if not more! Buddha taught you good, it is necessary to cross, but you beating burning; Shenwai Buddha taught you nothing, but you smashing shopChoi. This is the Buddha Etu also met with decisive Chumo the right path! Loss of Tibetan lamas who are also from self-cultivation, have read the book go belly dog!
I am a teacher more than 20 years ago to go to Tibet where they live in the Tibetan people at home and cooked a chat when asked after the home owner does not want someone to come back independent leadership. Old Tibetan, said: "What legislation alone Oh, our family used to be a serf, he was welcome to come back then when we serfs?" Oh, this is a truth, as a people-first, we need to? Is the stability and prosperity either. Historically, the rebels such things are not in the Lao Health circumstances will occur, the anti-anti-also refuses is death, a death are about, as a risk. Where there once home to a few blocks of animals, it would not follow the rebels. To a people who Shunkou said it was remote and not the ideal lose their stable life?
Visited the Tibetan people are aware, a large number of visitors at the time, and the Tibetan people have a grazing family adults, children in the area Qian Ma. Do not underestimate Qian Ma, we have a Qianma children told me that the holidays led by a horse, he's a semester tuition and pocket money enough. Grazing family to a capital bar, Qian Ma to lead home a Mark bar, people rich and horses, made what anti-. In the tower that, Qianma juvenile pointing valley of Yak said that the group is proud of their home, and our envy.
The riots in the past few days, Hula runs to the outsiders are running light, I have also fitted around their mutual caution "in the Tibetan uprising diploma, and to other places where there are Tibetan." Subsided after Lenglengqingqing everywhere, around the Qingming only tourists coming forward. In the estimated number of Tibetans it quietly scolded DL.
In fact, do not say what the facts are, the riots were subsided two days is the best proof that no one follow their blind tossing about!
As for the lamas are fighting for independence, they certainly want to independence, in the past, Tibetan lamas have the supreme power, when the lama equivalent to taking career, all luxury good things to bear in their use, powerful, multi-ah B cattle. Now they only mental status, there is no privilege, hymns, do not think that self-cultivation of lofty, we worship them on the trip, other people want to enjoy the material and seize the power of life kill! Again despise read about these dogs to go belly of the pseudo-monk.
And then talk about the torch in the West assaulted thing. ? I know that the big landlords to see before bullied Qiongxiaozi adult heart wealth has built up its fortune, also points fear - Qiongxiaozi which day I bring up old scores with how do? I can now not necessarily the whole he won. Therefore, once found a little home of the poor and the Association for the symptoms of the big landlords to fan the flames of separation Cuanduo other. Calculations for a small Hualahuala: Wolidou you on the bar, hit the best Liangbai with injuries, I come Fisherman benefit, then the separation of poor people-also have a 2-to fix me a tougher nut to crack; best again The four, a quarter of eight…… Qiongxiaozi always honest when Qiongxiaozi honest!
I see a lot of video crying "liberation of Tibet" in appearance, with the starting point that Tibetans are not just blood relationship, it's clear that the green-yellow skin Wenbo not black hair, others alone is not independent of your P things , with a blind What coax ah? Also on their buttocks bloody discharging it, the parents were not long hemorrhoids. Tibet should be independent of the real you to feed Tibetan ah? On the Tibetan independence of the geographical environment on a Kunsi there! This is liberation? Is harmful home? Welcome the French tourism to Tibet, the Tibet see for now and then since a ZD pondering whether or not to help "liberate" Tibet!
In France, the Chinese people too honest, white with crying "liberation of Tibet" Our she would cry "liberating Corsica!"
Follow-up statement -- -------------------------------------------------- -- Bo wrote this text when the idea is very simple, violence and resistance only on the Austrian feel indignant, condemned. I believe all peace-loving people, such as stability, I have obnoxious violence, regardless of where, it was the perpetrators will be condemned. The Olympic Games have been a peaceful event, sports competition is the original intention of a peaceful and friendly competition instead of the bloody armed conflict. For those who would like to take this peace is a grand gathering for their political intrigue, and violence-or rob, and if they just wave Snow Mountain lion flags, I believe there will be no condemnation of these today. In the event that symbolizes peace on the use of force, the world can not be!
I am only a small woman, with my friends all know, I usually blog on the most say Fenghuaxueru, pets, such as nosy. I say I do not know politics, he wrote this text when Bo is simply a small woman from the perspective of what I have seen, heard. And the personal message to February 3rd I am very surprised. We can look at a few examples of my writing, I first experienced teachers matter more than 20 years ago, he only students, we are talking about 20 years heel when this matter is also a teacher, how to It has become the mouthpiece of several mouth? Write back and I have seen is a tremendous heard of Tibetans living the status quo, I can still photos for everyone to see, it is difficult to me is the mouthpiece? Well, I should whom to wage? Later, the more ridiculous things, it said that the Tibetan people in the February 3 individuals afflicted by oppression, they are speaking for the Tibetan people, and an even more dumbfounding, that person even comparing the DL Charles de Gaulle. So I started Shantie, this person is not a madman becomes morally suspect. Why am I not censored? Difficult to people in front of my home I have to throw Dafen there with a smile conservation?
And that ykshue and Lao Zhang, I have been asking them, if I write, I can see, hear are false, and that the truth is what I even catch up with Lao Zhang asked repeatedly to the blog. No response. Paste this time that I say, it becomes useless to stay beautiful? So I delete the. Yesterday ykshue accusing me with a call on the Chinese to why what, I came: They mouth of the nation and I am talking about two different things, I am young and educated, that is, they say "brainwashing," and that "50 6 is a national, "That is why I said the Chinese nation is the" Chinese nation ", and his nation is Tibetan, Han nationality, and so on, and he thought it discredited the Han. If he is standing before me say that rather than - Create a vest and say that, I have pointed to his nose asked him: "I was a typical Han Chinese, I said Nagouhua is cheating you? "
I did not, such as the ability Sham about anything, but we can voice our views and aspirations. Before I only vague opposed to violence, but let me argue this up more clearly what I want to, where I again solemnly declare my point of view - "want peace, not violence; it is necessary to unite, not to split!" I told them it has no more can it say. Below it is also addressed to those who do not know, on the still puzzled by the --
Who will not believe, do not believe that any government mouthpiece, I have another letter, I saw Although it is true, but only I can see the true. No other letters even those with no According to the statement paste chaos language. Tibet to see their own, to see the Tibetan people have, as some people say that life in an abyss of misery and oppression is not being tortured. Now the Qinghai-Tibet railway opened, more convenient to Tibet, airplanes, cars, trains can choose. Find a holiday, packing bags, went to buy tickets. If you think too much of the local Han Chinese see is not the truth, you can Zijia, Cycling, rent horses and walk to the depths of the grassland. Only when your feet real hit on that land, do you personally see, the pro-ears have heard, in person felt, and that is the truth! Rhodiola Xianqi few days before starting to reflect the anti-plateau. Do not forget the bags, garbage bags, the plastic bags used to own, or what beverage bottles, garbage taken to a local station to lose. Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a beautiful holy places, we accept her baptism at the same time, not to leave civilization garbage. I believe this visit will definitely give you a lot receipts, and I am looking forward to come back after you and I share your travelogues.
