In China, those who study the population problem there are two main categories: official Demographers and civil population researchers. Demographers official of the mainstream view is in support of the current family planning policy, even if the population policy adjustment, but also in the current population policy on the basis of gradual adjustment of civil population and the mainstream view is that researchers should be changed as soon as possible the current population policy.
Demographers to official population research as a professional, both research institutions, but also research funding. In the traditional media, the official population of Jurists has an absolute advantage in the view of the position.
Civil population researchers mainly use the spare time on the population problem, they had no organization and no funding. For reasons known to all, it is difficult researchers civil population in the traditional media to express their views, even if occasionally can be made, we should also revise the original view, relaxed, and by comparing the way of twists and turns. 。 Therefore, the present civil population is the main researchers on the network to express their point of view. In recent years, researchers civil population's views won the support of more and more users.
Demographers official, in accordance with the attitude of the population policy can be divided into conservatives (propose to maintain the current fertility policy), liberals (pro-liberalization second births) and radical (advocated abolition of compulsory family planning) to send three. Demographers most of which are official conservatives or liberals, radical faction of the population are very few experts. Below a brief introduction to the three faction representatives.
Song: the creation of population control theory, the chief architect of the one-child policy. Song is so far the largest of China's population policy implications of the population of Jurists, the impact of Ma Yinchu's than they are.
Tian Xueyuan: China Population Society executive vice president, the vice chief architect of the one-child policy.
Cang-Ping Wu: China's vice president of the Population Association, which proposed "to solve the fertility rate increased by the ageing of the population will be upheld," the "high-On."
Xue-Jun: former China Population Information Research Center Director, the incumbent National Population and Family Planning Commission policies and regulations Secretary. Xuejun, an official in the past, are more enlightened population of Jurists, he believes that "a family of two-child policy more appropriate", but officials later, he increasingly conservative.
Cai Fang: CASS Institute of Population and Labor Economics director. Basically in favour of opening up the tyres but that the "opening up of fetal Health must go slowly." Cai Fang is between liberals and conservatives among demographers.
Walter: Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Peking University. He should have been advocating Kuaifangkai second births.
Muguangzong: Peking University Population Research Institute professor. Walter Muguangzong and with the representatives for the liberals.
Zhong-Tang Liang: From 1985 onwards Second Yicheng County, Shanxi fetal experimentation, in recent years, he maintained that the abolition of compulsory family planning, demographers is the official representative of the radical faction.