
Forbes Global list the most densely populated cities can not stand close scrutiny

Forbes Global list the most densely populated cities can not stand close scrutiny
Recently, a source said, the United States "Forbes" magazine selected 20 of the world's most densely populated cities, of which 16 came from Asia. 10 cities from which most representative countries China and India. China 5 persons including the most populated city of Shenzhen (No. 5), Taipei (No. 7), Shanghai (10), Beijing (12) and Tianjin (18). "Forbes" pointed out that population, getting intensive, which means that lower the quality of life. After the publication of this list, and this has led some users, experts and the media questioned. December 18, "Nanfang Daily" quoted the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Statistics said a staff member at the end of last year, the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the population density is 8,056 / square kilometers, the city's density is 4,334 / square kilometers, I wonder if the list producers is how to access and calculate 17,150 / square kilometers of this figure. But in any case, the list to 466 square kilometers of land area as Shenzhen (Note: According to the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government published on the website of the data, the total area of Shenzhen City 1952.84 square kilometers, the Shenzhen Special Zone area of 395.81 square kilometers), in such a basis for the calculation of Population density is not accurate.
"Forbes" list is not only wrong Shenzhen's population density, but, overall, this list is neither accurate nor comprehensive. For example, it included in the list of Tianjin, but the omission of Hong Kong. According to official data, Tianjin area of about 4,300 square kilometers, the city's resident population of about 10 million (of which live in the cities and towns of a population of about 7.8 million) and the Hong Kong area of 1,100 square kilometers, and a population of about 7 million. Clearly, the population density of Hong Kong far exceeds Tianjin.

History international language

Ideal long-standing international language. Earlier thought the man-made global language of the people of Europe during the Renaissance British philosopher Francis Bacon, France and Germany scientists Cartesian philosopher Leibniz. Known artificial language comprises hundreds of These options can be divided into two categories: 1. Philosophy of language, pictures language, symbols digital language, and so on. These languages is in the existing language of creations by. Such languages, the most famous is Jean Sudre (Jean Sudre) 1866 the music of the language "cable to cable" (Solresol). Solresol all the grammar and vocabulary are composed of seven notes. Below are a few examples: si (yes), do (not), re ( and), dore (I), domi (you), dofa (him), redo (I), remi (you), doremi (Japan), and so on. written language can not only speak, but also singing , as well as musical instruments to play, but it is no less than any national language to learn, but difficult than they should. language practical possibility, it was restricted by the seven notes. in actual use, it is very often irregular and uncoordinated.
2. Established on the basis of language in the national language. Now what is the international language refers to the fact that this kind of language. First in the world for a larger impact of artificial language, the length is from Germany Oxfam Player (Schleyer) in 1879 to create the Volapük (Volapuk). Mainly from the English word, and some are from Latin language and German. these words have become it, a far cry from that in most cases is simply not identified. all, as far as possible Monosyllabic, and absolutely should be the beginning and end of consonants. language name itself From English on the world (World) and speak (to speak). Again: Yulop (Europe), Silop (Asia), Fikop (Africa), Melop (OAS), gok (chickens), ob (I), ol (you) , and so on. in Volapük peak in 1889, some 263 organizations and 25 kinds of publications, more than 1,000 teachers receive diplomas all over the world, in 25 different languages published materials, a total of 384 kinds of literature, In addition, colleges and universities are some of Europe and the United States. Volapük but now it has been office, the only thing of the past are history.
Volapük demise of the three main reasons: First, it's very unwieldy grammar, with too many difficulties to language learning in the form of surplus. Secondly, because of the arbitrary application Player trip, the Volapük Almost all forms should be a decision by him, which at any time that language was not a collective development language. third, in 1887 by a Polish Chaimenhefu Volapük better than man-made Esperanto language programme - (Esperanto), Volapük, many are turning to Esperanto.
Esperanto is the Volapük second after a greater impact on the international language. Chaimenhefu early childhood in the era of international language ideal in the minds of his produce, and he paid for this ideal of a lifetime of effort. in 1887, he introduced the language at their own expense published the first booklet .1905, Hamblen cities in France held its first session of the International Esperanto Conference and adopted the "Declaration of Esperanto." Since then, in addition to the two world wars period, in countries around the world every year in rotation convening an international Esperanto Conference. (Ido), (Occidental), (Novial), (Interlingua), (Glosa) (Mondlango). In addition Volapük and Esperanto, the other a greater impact on the artificial language is also available in: Iraq multilingual (Ido), the Western Language (Occidental), Novial (Novial), Interlingua (Interlingua) , Glosa (Glosa), as well as universal brotherhood language (Mondlango). (Ulango), (Esperanto) Datong language universal brotherhood language acronym (Ulango), it has Esperanto (Esperanto), and English, based on the grammar has absorbed some Chinese elements. En: The world's most common in the Latin alphabet, French and English alphabet and the same. As long as the 26 letters learn the pronunciation and spelling rules, and can be read any write a word. Grammar: ending that part of speech (noun, for example - o at the end, adjectives - at the end of a). Basic word order is "subject predicate + + object" and the Chinese and English word order of the same basic. Term: Tatung language vocabulary mainly come from international roots, the prefix, suffix, the formation of a strong capacity is easy to learn, easy to remember characteristics.

Introduction to international language

Human language is the principal instrument of the exchange of ideas. It is precisely because of language, can be mutual understanding between people; it is because of language, of human knowledge and experience can be handed down from generation to generation. Children in a period of the greatest harvest is learn a speech. However, people who speak different languages in the mutual exchanges, language differences have become an insurmountable obstacle. The past, people aspire to a common language. "Bible" are the records of a "Barbieri Babel" story, as well as China's ancient books "Rites," "get off the track today, with the text" records, reflects the people's good wishes. According to linguists to statistics, there are now thousands of languages around the world. In the process of global integration is accelerating today, among nations, nationalities and increasingly frequent contacts between the people of the growing need to break the language barrier. In many countries of the school, are an important foreign language courses. However, if a person wants to master a foreign language and the very different native language is not easy. Moreover, even if the time spent several years learn a foreign language, not necessarily in the country in the world unhindered, because although you learned the language of a country, in the State B may send not useless. Even if you have mastered the language of the two countries and B, and C in the country is not necessarily useful. Learning a variety of foreign languages, and people spent a lot of time, energy and resources. In such circumstances, people naturally think: There should be an international language, a person besides their mother tongue, to learn the international language, we can access the world. In other words, the international language is not to replace the national language, but in different national languages to serve as a bridge between the role. Well, what language suitable to serve as international language? Some say that any of the national language, as long as we all agree that the international use of it, not to solve this problem? The question is: what kind of national language? Each country wishing to use their own languages as international language. This is not surprising, because each person most familiar with, the most commonly used, the language of most specialty is their mother tongue. British and the Americans hope that the world use English as the international language, France - French, Germany - German, Japanese - Japanese, Chinese - Chinese. According to the most equitable way, it should be all kinds of statistics around the world language, the use of language or languages in which the largest number of such language is the recognized international language. This calculation, the Chinese are eligible to become international language, the use of Chinese as the number of over 1.3 billion, putting it far ahead of any other use of a number of languages. However, the Chinese feel that it is more difficult for Westerners in the language of the West, we want to learn Chinese, spend at least seven or eight years or even decades, as a national language not suitable for the Chinese as international language. So, whether using English as international language? The use of English after the number of Chinese is the most widely used national language. In science and technology and international trade, and other fields, and now the international language English agent actually some of the functions, some experts even predicted that the English will be the end of this century "conquer" the world has become the common language of mankind. This, however, still too early to predict, after all, the number of English-speaking now only one-tenth of the world's population. Moreover, the status of languages and is closely related to the status of countries. If the use of English as the international language, the United States, Britain and other English-speaking countries would be in the international political, economic, cultural and other fields has an absolute advantage in the position, which is very negative and, therefore, will surely be met with non-English-speaking countries strongly opposed. For example, France has long resisted the English to French cultural erosion. Why is the international language must not be a single national language? Adopt an international language as a national language, will be given to this nation and the state brought many privileges, but also to other peoples and countries inequality. In order to learn the language, other peoples and nations must constantly pay incalculable human, material and financial resources, and in this language is the mother tongue of peoples and nations without any additional pay, we can all areas in the world to enjoy the various exchanges facilitate access to great interest. This is very unfair and unreasonable, no country in the world and the nation would willingly accept it.
Indeed, history has had to act as a national language suitable to the functions of precedent, such as the Latin of the Roman Empire period in the whole history of the 10 century stage, in the western world to play the role of a common language. Another example is the French in the French Empire its peak, then have exclusive international diplomatic forum. But this is not what the people's consent or choice, but when a country's economic, political strength of the results of expansion. So with the collapse of the Roman Empire, Latin for the emerging countries on abandoned by the same token, the decline of the French empire, but also makes French international glorious gradually dim. Now English (or English) are also experiencing the same Latin and French history, and the Latin and French course of the rise and fall of a short course, because the demands of ethnic equality and oppose discrimination language voice , than any past era of the more strongly.
As a national language suitable to have an unfavorable factors: any of the national language, in the long-term habits are formed, including a large number of irregular and unreasonable factors, study up wasting time and effort. In English as an example, the pronunciation of many words and spelling inconsistencies, there are many irregular verbs, as memory needs more on the customary terms. Because it is more difficult for learning English, although the English of many people, but very few people really learn. International language should have the following characteristics: First, it is a neutral, international, for all of the races are easy to learn. Secondly, it is a logical and strong, structural precision, no exceptions. Thirdly, it should be a unity between spoken and written language, pronunciation and spelling consistent. Fourth, it can express different nuances of the national language, can be used to translate any national language.
Clearly, the only artificial language consistent with these standards. Datong is such a phrase artificial international language.

official Demographers and civil population researchers

In China, those who study the population problem there are two main categories: official Demographers and civil population researchers. Demographers official of the mainstream view is in support of the current family planning policy, even if the population policy adjustment, but also in the current population policy on the basis of gradual adjustment of civil population and the mainstream view is that researchers should be changed as soon as possible the current population policy.
Demographers to official population research as a professional, both research institutions, but also research funding. In the traditional media, the official population of Jurists has an absolute advantage in the view of the position.
Civil population researchers mainly use the spare time on the population problem, they had no organization and no funding. For reasons known to all, it is difficult researchers civil population in the traditional media to express their views, even if occasionally can be made, we should also revise the original view, relaxed, and by comparing the way of twists and turns. 。 Therefore, the present civil population is the main researchers on the network to express their point of view. In recent years, researchers civil population's views won the support of more and more users.
Demographers official, in accordance with the attitude of the population policy can be divided into conservatives (propose to maintain the current fertility policy), liberals (pro-liberalization second births) and radical (advocated abolition of compulsory family planning) to send three. Demographers most of which are official conservatives or liberals, radical faction of the population are very few experts. Below a brief introduction to the three faction representatives.
Song: the creation of population control theory, the chief architect of the one-child policy. Song is so far the largest of China's population policy implications of the population of Jurists, the impact of Ma Yinchu's than they are.
Tian Xueyuan: China Population Society executive vice president, the vice chief architect of the one-child policy.
Cang-Ping Wu: China's vice president of the Population Association, which proposed "to solve the fertility rate increased by the ageing of the population will be upheld," the "high-On."
Xue-Jun: former China Population Information Research Center Director, the incumbent National Population and Family Planning Commission policies and regulations Secretary. Xuejun, an official in the past, are more enlightened population of Jurists, he believes that "a family of two-child policy more appropriate", but officials later, he increasingly conservative.
Cai Fang: CASS Institute of Population and Labor Economics director. Basically in favour of opening up the tyres but that the "opening up of fetal Health must go slowly." Cai Fang is between liberals and conservatives among demographers.
Walter: Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Peking University. He should have been advocating Kuaifangkai second births.
Muguangzong: Peking University Population Research Institute professor. Walter Muguangzong and with the representatives for the liberals.
Zhong-Tang Liang: From 1985 onwards Second Yicheng County, Shanxi fetal experimentation, in recent years, he maintained that the abolition of compulsory family planning, demographers is the official representative of the radical faction.


[Original] Mao Zedong said: "the US imperialists scared to death"

August 5, 1958, when the "Great Leap Forward" in full swing when Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist party secretary Liyuenong Baoding on a case, this part of his speech today, it is still very interesting.
Q Liyuenong Mao Zedong: "If you can make a number of guns? Them armed." Mao Zedong's "they" refers to the young labor force in rural areas, because at that time Hebei Xushuixian engage in military of.
” Mao Zedong said: "Xushui workforce of 11 million people, of whom there are 50,000 young men and women, 20 percent of guns, a total 10,000. Than 50,000 people, 10,000 guns, 500 million people , and 100 million guns, the so organized, so scared to death of the US imperialism. "
Since the speech cited above, "Liyuenong with Comrade Chairman Mao's memoirs August 5, 1958"
Mao Zedong's saying this can be called the "rhetoric", the hands of 500 million people 100 million guns, and then, the United States was scared to death of imperialism. According to Mao Zedong's 20 percent of the guns standards, the National People's Congress now about 1.3 billion, which is 260 million guns, that the United States should not be scared to death of imperialism, that is, the world has been scared to death. However, in these enemies were scared to death, scared to death is not the first to be also lifted ah? For the later years of hair to the masses has always been fond of guns, the Cultural Revolution was in full Wuzhu and Wudou upgrade because of the spirit of the top guns lead to the deterioration of the situation on this point Mao Zedong's later years admitted: "No It has been 10 years experience in the war, all-out civil war, and looting of the gun, the most, to play as well as a temper. " In Mao Zedong's view, a comprehensive Wudou killed so many people just "training" and that the proletariat bold vision would also scared to death of US imperialism.

China: Do not take artistic metamorphosis when

Of metamorphosis, a "bad habit" was called "Loulinpi", meaning probably is scarce in the pedestrian streets, a long-ambush separate from the groping of women here in the past suddenly exposed their genitals to scare their panic, to achieve a psychological vent their purpose. Although in the end how these people think the author is not always known, but, if exposed genitals in this community have now is an "art", then the world can say no to any of the psychopathic exist. Really do not understand, although naked art can be said to have been in the aesthetics can be considered as a real art, but, the author continued to be very surprised that, when "Lu Yin" has become a recognized by the art and also for fear of being "vilified" obscene and also specifically to it crowns a "New Wave" name is "out-art"? Previously heard that the Chinese aesthetic is a feudal, and in appreciation of clothing to stay below the level of the line, is already well on the revolutionary pioneer. Subsequently, however, found that the original viewpoints are those already outdated, because since that first portrait of a nude model at the time after the birth of a university, the Chinese people had already started to learn to apply the aesthetic appreciation of the angle of the nudity, rather than from Yanya vision to carry out indecent. However Taobudiao anything can be set up in China only the relative truth: "All good things, the Chinese people after chewing and digestion, it will become the dregs of the things most garbage," and from today to see to the so-called "human works of art", a large number of so-called "sexual liberation of China," and the change, or after China Meishujie of several major innovations, nude art has become a fully developed "Lu Yin," Art, in a brush to describe the curve in the United States reflect the kind of human nature ring, Lane has been photographed naked by the demonstrated by the temptations of the distortions to cover up completely.
If Lai is a Mengmou good moment to capture light and shadow in the process of preserving the spirit of the curve if it is only a temptation in a moment of the film left by crawling to the eternal, it must be a beautiful intriguing, because it will become A high-grade food for the spirit, even if the future model of the youth no longer exist, even if the future of the background of these pictures will be secretly removed, at least, that intrinsic value, it is difficult to Unspeakable confusing, never lose value , like the "Mona Lisa smile," The Da Vinci works Tiantan a smile ages will be able to spread, then to appreciate the arts, is not like real women to covet the naked body .
This fun in China, that only pornographic films in Japan, will be the scene of Yin Lu, it can be a large number of Chinese people as is the pursuit of an "art" to the worship. Really do not know what on the surface repeatedly but covertly Mazhe Japanese metamorphosis seriously appreciate their pornographic films is how people think. This is really very or that the Chinese people face-to-face with a set of covertly also a consistent style? ” Or as we say: "We have some of China respected the arts, is actually on the surface of the endless talk of virtue and morality, but a stomach covertly Nandaonu:chang the metamorphosis Seqingjue?"
Suppress indeed depressed, but not so fast on the whole metamorphosis? to others nausea death was despicable Modal, polarisation Although China is certain characteristics have always shared, but not because of the desire really confusing the unabashedly called on both ripped up. Really learn it naked just like foreigners, but not to camouflage their own bondage has lured others to reveal overcast that is the kind of truly heinous.
Most tragically, some people kept saying China would like to speak of what people get what dignity, but these people are like the others abandoned their appreciation to ingratiate himself with the dignity of their victims. This is a very despicable human nature? This is a very Wochuo behaviour? This is what a crowd, what a scum? Several problems: they really human? They also have the human decency shameless thinking? And the spring of their animals and What is the difference? They are not only a group of people only know that the wanton breeding of animals? The women here are often not aware of self-esteem, said, self-esteem and integrity, and is one of the three women need to know how to protect their own dignity of the most important magic weapon, because even if she lost the request of violence, but at least she is the soul of pure Why to China, this is no longer pure? Why are some people even in the soul of this impetuous gradually being lost? By himself, or by others? Why willing to betray their own lines, even to sell their bodies, why not also betrayed Jiehen physical, or even betray their own soul? Interest is the temptation? Or vice? That it is indeed their own art? Or: be deluding say it is art?
It was a metamorphosis, please do not cater to his metamorphosis, otherwise, the crowd will become more abnormal, a crowd of local people affected another place, so the entire country will follow the crowd metamorphosis, China's characteristic is that China's domestic metamorphosis, the metamorphosis can only be influenced by foreigners and would not try to influence foreigners, therefore, China's own metamorphosis, will be wasted. I hope that we respect the real art, not just for the sake of desire and the temptation of hastily selling their soul, believe in God and the devil hope that the final deadline for the destruction of mankind still very far away from the people themselves not to destroy itself, in particular Chinese people, not to their own ruin. That way, the joke was disgusted by the stupidity of others, in their own stupid behavior in the embodiment of head forever!

Homeland question: is that simple

For Tibet, Taiwan and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the problems, no matter who said what, I have only one sentence: Regardless of whether the Communist Party in power, the KMT or power, whether that power of government corruption, or how, or how clean it always is China's territory, China has always been to protect the people of the territory, because it is the ancient ancestors of the Chinese nation through various periods of history, as well as on opportunities, such as full of tragic bloodshed and sacrifice of the individual factors are left for future generations to benefit things, so this is a long-term interests of the Chinese nation a big problem for the Chinese people is a big responsibility, the government lost it, the government should step down, which lost its regime, which was overthrown regime should , which political party ignored it, which was spurned to political parties should be dissolved, at the same time, lost, the Chinese people themselves will face disgrace, the people of the world will be laughing at us, we do not have clamored for the sick man of East Asia sons and daughters of China , will be a major historical stage, no longer carry not Qitoulai is as simple as that. Homeland question: is that simple

Anzi Temple Chronicle

Zhu Shi-spectrum" referred to in a name called "Anzi Temple", which is located in the north-south direction on the last paragraph of Ping mountains, the peak is a relatively gentle terrain Ping Shan, the way you can see Ping GAO Guan, a major Huangjueshu tree, tree uncles lived in a Zhu Yi, uncles is the ancestor of good public Yi Sun World, the World Fenying public good in the back yard; Ping is under steep stone Tap and the cliff, and only the north Zhu linked to the south is under the cliff "home elegiac address" in reference to "Wang tank," and that was my grandmother growth areas.
Few people now know That is why Anzi Ping Shan Temple, and I also occasionally When talking about how old people listen to, in the mid-Qing Dynasty, Hill built a terminal for the sky to the temple, whose name called "Anzi Temple," So here we The name, but Anzi Temple, which is built by investors who? Built in time? Have no way of knowing, the only sure is Anzi Temple no longer exists, is said to be in full view of being set on fire, why the temple will be burned, it is a strange moving story. Anzi destroyed before incense in the Temple brisk, famous, many worshippers from the field came here to burn incense Chaofaxidie Qiufu, and would also like to pray, but later became a monk spent the abbot, the monk spent Tidu monks should have been " nothing, "but in fact, he six not appropriate, not in addition to color center.
Day, the monks see one pair of flower colors Xiaohao Gusao into the Temple and worshiping Buddha, and then the monks on the two tied up and locked in the basement beneath statues of the two coercion and inducements to want to have for their own, but they Ningsi does not, Zhifen to rescue his family. Although family members know they are going on a pilgrimage to the Temple Anzi missing, but do not know how in the end is missing, Anzi Temple asked monks burning incense and bowing their excuse that many people, whether they did not pay attention to the temples. In the late Qing Dynasty, and a number of displaced persons in southern Dianjiang for chaos, rampant banditry, and people's lives has not been at peace, so we guess the two bandits also may have been stolen, so he gave multiple that can be found on the whereabouts of the two.
After a few days, not Gusao both static and dynamic family, after all, Anzi Temple is hidden in the basement, is not so easy to find them, but two very strong and clever, and decided to take the initiative to disclose information trapped, so they thought of a good way , then promised to spend pretending to monks, want washed, dressed and covered up the day-to-day lack of toiletry items, even combs are not, the monk delighted to spend the first Halo, the two immediately agreed to give Gusao buy combs.
The next day, monks went to the market to buy Yantai Stone comb, comb results from the sale of suspected boss, the monk to buy combs doing? Is there a woman temple? So he immediately told his guess Gusao two of the family members, officials seize the family Bao spent monk, rescued the trapped Gusao two. Gusao two rescued news caused widespread concern in the village folks, they invariably Wai to Anzi Temple, and everyone of these Buddha wish sternly Cousi heart of a beast, not abiding by the conventions to spend monk, and so there are some extreme folks fire burned Anzi Temple. Anzi Buddhist temple because people harm done Sang days rationale things, which Anzi Temple shame, then there will be no one to repair the temple, and the late Qing Dynasty, continued unrest in the community, with the result that there are no rehabilitation Anzi also the material conditions of Temple to the temple so this will never disappear, leaving only as a name in the "Zhu Shi-order spectrum," Lane.

"Xiaozhijun incident," Reflections on the social responsibility of the news media

"Xiaozhijun incident" has passed such a long time, but it started on the topic-not the aftermath, people are still concerned about and reflect on this incident brought to us by shock and impact.
We like this a thousand miles away from Beijing, initially aware of this matter through the news media, the media is our ears, they reported that "the word of her husband refused pregnant wife death," We can see this heading directly seen Xiao Zhijun is directly responsible, but we have to ask, why not Xiaozhijun signature, as well as signatures Xiaozhijun hospitals do not have any remedial measures initiated discussions by the "life and light system who re-Who," "are system and legal blame-free "," husband refused word of the beating death of his wife hospital system, "and so on point, as it was the fault of the hospital and criticized, but also to prosecute hospitals, and even has been requested to reform the" signature surgery, "medical system, including many experts, lawyers also will be dance. Later, in-depth reports from some know, in fact, refused to sign Xiaozhijun not, but the operation on notice stated: "Adhering to drug treatment, and will not laparotomy, the consequences own." He also stressed that his wife died : "I is not signing, they can also use!" and "husband refused word pregnant wife to death," a far cry from the title of the audience questioned the many speculations and the news media have been misleading. Therefore, from the time of the incident near the local people to return to the main responsibility Xiaozhijun, from the time of the incident far more local people to return to the hospital and the responsibility system, I think it is very rational, hospitals have tried to responsibility as a hospital, the hospital is even suspected Xiaozhijun neuropathy, is in fact not, he is the spirit of the normal capacity of a civil legal, maternal mortality is directly responsible for him, and he should not have become the deceased, "the only relatives" both became "the only relatives" will not shirk the responsibility, leading to the death of shirking its responsibility if he should be written on it in black and white "consequences conceit", but also said that "the Hospital conceit" that is a shameless. The boring, we make assumptions, the hospital is notifying disregard Xiaozhijun stop on the surgery on his wife, mother or results died, it would be how Xiaozhijun? And how hospitals lose? So I am going to oppose the revision of the existing "signature surgery" system, if not the system, not Luantao community, the hospital can be normal to the operating table kidnapping surgery (surgery fraud charges), can be freely with normal organ (selling money), or even to kill the (murder). Malpractice, as the consequences of not so simple, the so-called experts and lawyers may have thought rationally? Full of a sense of social responsibility to the news media could have ever imagined?

Shan-shan is not a small beauty

Beauty, as the term suggests, the beautiful women, small Shanshan of "beauty" is a term used accustomed to when others use the "beauty" to call her, she must be deeply aware of this kind words. One day Taigu with Shanshan make fun of Alexandra said: Shanshan is not a small sex, and was not beautiful, when she heard his statement, when she is how you respond, she said: you wait and see, I went to gun and carrying Dabageichimai black toy gun, pointing down the aunt, great aunt to insist that she was not so good back, or else never give up.

Western separatist forces favoring China, the Chinese government also should be dealing with them as they deal with

Often hear back from Europe and the United States said that the United States and Britain Germany and France how how stupid, how Chinese people how clever, can be Recently Tibet and other Tibetan areas of vandalism incidents and the Olympic fire in the transfer process moment, the West's China's brutal attitude, I was not suspected, in the end who is smart Who Bena? Do not believe that you can see, all of East Turkistan unfavorable to China, Tibet independence and Taiwan independence, the Western countries to openly or covertly supported by, plan, support their Hunao is blind can feel the United States and Britain Germany and France all of the old colonial powers purpose is to split China. Do they not know that Taiwan, Xinjiang, and Tibet is an inseparable part of China? These old colonial powers Shigandang Which country for the Chinese side said that the case? But conversely, we Chinese people do, you say where is our smart (probably smart in Wolidou)? This whole our people, the best we have yet to hear their names, there is no thought of the United States called "mycophenolate"? Is the name used by the traditional good-meter States, the United Kingdom can not be called "YIN Guo-"? France can not be called the "taste"? These countries themselves buttocks blood flow, he said parents who hemorrhoids. Are the United States and Britain Germany and France will be no countries of the forces fighting for independence? Vermont, the United States, chanting they would break away from the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and Scotland have Naozhao to separation; France has Corsica, although out of Napoleon, or the attribution of France did not cold; As Canada also raised Henxiong The Quebec. However, how the Chinese people have never seen doing in these areas to encourage fighting for independence? Although the Government has not done, the whole of civil society in Europe and the United States a bar, also dealing with them as they deal with governance, you engage me and I engage you to not to reciprocate.

And then talk about the torch in the West assaulted thing.

From a few weeks ago, a group of DL Cuanduo beating hooliganism fire everywhere when I would write articles blog curse, but I would like to go back, out two days to subside things, also bear a repeat meaningless . But a few days ago in France torch attack Once again, let me angry, no Zairen unbearable, we Road, said.
Said that the first thing a few weeks ago, at first I thought they were more eager to see chaos in the world want Erliuzi small shop opportunity smashing things, not to be the outcome, those wearing red monk's robe lamas Zade more energy! Never mind the frame you see on television out-and-out lamas waved floor tile shoot people? If you will not take a floor tile, do not shoot people, smashing shops, this picture come from?
Frankly, when I see on television lamas to face the ferocious beating smashing shop arson, very shocked, to the Buddhist compassion for the Wye, and his six clean, nothing, but the world for the common people joy and happiness. Sakyamuni Buddha Gerou feeding eagles, the king "I am not coming into hell, who all hell. Hell not air, and the way to becoming a Buddha."…… Therefore, I think that people invariably self-cultivation is charity. Tibetan Buddhism do not know and how many different Mahayana Buddhism, but also to the different burning, killing, looting does not teach people! The destruction of property, wounding lives, sin was in the first place, in which the rule of law society should bear the legal responsibility, of course, not serfs main scrapping serfs liability, sing, the first to despise. Xiubi of human stem such things if not more! Buddha taught you good, it is necessary to cross, but you beating burning; Shenwai Buddha taught you nothing, but you smashing shopChoi. This is the Buddha Etu also met with decisive Chumo the right path! Loss of Tibetan lamas who are also from self-cultivation, have read the book go belly dog!
I am a teacher more than 20 years ago to go to Tibet where they live in the Tibetan people at home and cooked a chat when asked after the home owner does not want someone to come back independent leadership. Old Tibetan, said: "What legislation alone Oh, our family used to be a serf, he was welcome to come back then when we serfs?" Oh, this is a truth, as a people-first, we need to? Is the stability and prosperity either. Historically, the rebels such things are not in the Lao Health circumstances will occur, the anti-anti-also refuses is death, a death are about, as a risk. Where there once home to a few blocks of animals, it would not follow the rebels. To a people who Shunkou said it was remote and not the ideal lose their stable life?
Visited the Tibetan people are aware, a large number of visitors at the time, and the Tibetan people have a grazing family adults, children in the area Qian Ma. Do not underestimate Qian Ma, we have a Qianma children told me that the holidays led by a horse, he's a semester tuition and pocket money enough. Grazing family to a capital bar, Qian Ma to lead home a Mark bar, people rich and horses, made what anti-. In the tower that, Qianma juvenile pointing valley of Yak said that the group is proud of their home, and our envy.
The riots in the past few days, Hula runs to the outsiders are running light, I have also fitted around their mutual caution "in the Tibetan uprising diploma, and to other places where there are Tibetan." Subsided after Lenglengqingqing everywhere, around the Qingming only tourists coming forward. In the estimated number of Tibetans it quietly scolded DL.
In fact, do not say what the facts are, the riots were subsided two days is the best proof that no one follow their blind tossing about!
As for the lamas are fighting for independence, they certainly want to independence, in the past, Tibetan lamas have the supreme power, when the lama equivalent to taking career, all luxury good things to bear in their use, powerful, multi-ah B cattle. Now they only mental status, there is no privilege, hymns, do not think that self-cultivation of lofty, we worship them on the trip, other people want to enjoy the material and seize the power of life kill! Again despise read about these dogs to go belly of the pseudo-monk.
And then talk about the torch in the West assaulted thing. ? I know that the big landlords to see before bullied Qiongxiaozi adult heart wealth has built up its fortune, also points fear - Qiongxiaozi which day I bring up old scores with how do? I can now not necessarily the whole he won. Therefore, once found a little home of the poor and the Association for the symptoms of the big landlords to fan the flames of separation Cuanduo other. Calculations for a small Hualahuala: Wolidou you on the bar, hit the best Liangbai with injuries, I come Fisherman benefit, then the separation of poor people-also have a 2-to fix me a tougher nut to crack; best again The four, a quarter of eight…… Qiongxiaozi always honest when Qiongxiaozi honest!
I see a lot of video crying "liberation of Tibet" in appearance, with the starting point that Tibetans are not just blood relationship, it's clear that the green-yellow skin Wenbo not black hair, others alone is not independent of your P things , with a blind What coax ah? Also on their buttocks bloody discharging it, the parents were not long hemorrhoids. Tibet should be independent of the real you to feed Tibetan ah? On the Tibetan independence of the geographical environment on a Kunsi there! This is liberation? Is harmful home? Welcome the French tourism to Tibet, the Tibet see for now and then since a ZD pondering whether or not to help "liberate" Tibet!
In France, the Chinese people too honest, white with crying "liberation of Tibet" Our she would cry "liberating Corsica!"
Follow-up statement -- -------------------------------------------------- -- Bo wrote this text when the idea is very simple, violence and resistance only on the Austrian feel indignant, condemned. I believe all peace-loving people, such as stability, I have obnoxious violence, regardless of where, it was the perpetrators will be condemned. The Olympic Games have been a peaceful event, sports competition is the original intention of a peaceful and friendly competition instead of the bloody armed conflict. For those who would like to take this peace is a grand gathering for their political intrigue, and violence-or rob, and if they just wave Snow Mountain lion flags, I believe there will be no condemnation of these today. In the event that symbolizes peace on the use of force, the world can not be!
I am only a small woman, with my friends all know, I usually blog on the most say Fenghuaxueru, pets, such as nosy. I say I do not know politics, he wrote this text when Bo is simply a small woman from the perspective of what I have seen, heard. And the personal message to February 3rd I am very surprised. We can look at a few examples of my writing, I first experienced teachers matter more than 20 years ago, he only students, we are talking about 20 years heel when this matter is also a teacher, how to It has become the mouthpiece of several mouth? Write back and I have seen is a tremendous heard of Tibetans living the status quo, I can still photos for everyone to see, it is difficult to me is the mouthpiece? Well, I should whom to wage? Later, the more ridiculous things, it said that the Tibetan people in the February 3 individuals afflicted by oppression, they are speaking for the Tibetan people, and an even more dumbfounding, that person even comparing the DL Charles de Gaulle. So I started Shantie, this person is not a madman becomes morally suspect. Why am I not censored? Difficult to people in front of my home I have to throw Dafen there with a smile conservation?
And that ykshue and Lao Zhang, I have been asking them, if I write, I can see, hear are false, and that the truth is what I even catch up with Lao Zhang asked repeatedly to the blog. No response. Paste this time that I say, it becomes useless to stay beautiful? So I delete the. Yesterday ykshue accusing me with a call on the Chinese to why what, I came: They mouth of the nation and I am talking about two different things, I am young and educated, that is, they say "brainwashing," and that "50 6 is a national, "That is why I said the Chinese nation is the" Chinese nation ", and his nation is Tibetan, Han nationality, and so on, and he thought it discredited the Han. If he is standing before me say that rather than - Create a vest and say that, I have pointed to his nose asked him: "I was a typical Han Chinese, I said Nagouhua is cheating you? "
I did not, such as the ability Sham about anything, but we can voice our views and aspirations. Before I only vague opposed to violence, but let me argue this up more clearly what I want to, where I again solemnly declare my point of view - "want peace, not violence; it is necessary to unite, not to split!" I told them it has no more can it say. Below it is also addressed to those who do not know, on the still puzzled by the --
Who will not believe, do not believe that any government mouthpiece, I have another letter, I saw Although it is true, but only I can see the true. No other letters even those with no According to the statement paste chaos language. Tibet to see their own, to see the Tibetan people have, as some people say that life in an abyss of misery and oppression is not being tortured. Now the Qinghai-Tibet railway opened, more convenient to Tibet, airplanes, cars, trains can choose. Find a holiday, packing bags, went to buy tickets. If you think too much of the local Han Chinese see is not the truth, you can Zijia, Cycling, rent horses and walk to the depths of the grassland. Only when your feet real hit on that land, do you personally see, the pro-ears have heard, in person felt, and that is the truth! Rhodiola Xianqi few days before starting to reflect the anti-plateau. Do not forget the bags, garbage bags, the plastic bags used to own, or what beverage bottles, garbage taken to a local station to lose. Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a beautiful holy places, we accept her baptism at the same time, not to leave civilization garbage. I believe this visit will definitely give you a lot receipts, and I am looking forward to come back after you and I share your travelogues.

You are patriotic or love "patriotic" word?

You are patriotic or love "patriotic" word?
Originally they do not want to say anything, because there has been a lot of very good very clear right of the article. 可 But on the topic - and see a group being moved blooded in the article showing a one-sided voice, would like to say a few words 1,10 Suo. I would like to be the author of these exciting, there are a lot of young people, I would like to remind them a few questions.
Before the patriotic think you are patriotic or love "patriotic" this feeling? I have also Shibajiu, 20 years old and I understand that feeling. 98 bombing of the Embassy of the time I thought to give the Ministry of National Defense to send a few calcium. I now can be more than 30, then I will not think of. Patriotism is not a fashion, patriotism does not require giving lip service. Truly patriotic to their country, the nation, the ordinary people's interests and look at the issue of development, analysis, and not simply in accordance with the geographical, ethnic and class division Dangtongfayi. 。 Most important thing is to distinguish between love the state and their nation, the love, ah love the distinction between political parties. Criticized the Government for not patriotic? Not patriotic support of other nations? Not patriotic support of the West perspective?
Do not use the "non-Friends of the enemy that is" naive look at the concept and groups around the country, the world's people do not have much hope that the chaos in China, most people hope that China will be able to do an independent, free and peaceful responsible big country. Waiting for the others not to do business with you and you want to fight old. "Lagging behind will be defeated" this dark, the idea of self-flagellation as should be swept into the dustbin of history.
Do not imagine that the other countries also join together in the harbor evil designs against us, no matter from which point of view we are now in the international status of the people has not jealous attempt against high-level, the so-called rise is only part of the Yiyan up.
Do not regard themselves as the representatives of the Chinese nation as the representative of China, we can not represent. Those who boycotted the Olympic Games boycott is not in the Olympics, those who oppose China were not against you and me, much less shame,. State Nation 。 State does not mean Nation. china Some of our representatives, the representative of china someone, why the need good representative of the time you Lunbudao I encountered such a thing you can easily come forward?
On the things we can look at the recent "NIU Bo international" on the article, in particular with mountain articles, I here to the one of "democracy is the tortoise", the patriotic can look at the blog in particular Danyunfei "State is not a panacea aphrodisiacs," I am a "patriotic Aiguo Why not patriotic" and to all the friends discussed calmly and rationally.
Do not believe that others, with a use their own brain, let alone obscenity as far as possible, not to engage in senseless human search, calm, rational and tolerant.
Below are two articles in today's message, that view has no say, a bit Jiansuan second, and two more cynical view did not say no because the ^ _ ^ I said is not necessarily correct, But I consider all before.
□ in an extremely asymmetric information environment to make the judgement is very likely to be further from the truth. Especially in the face of certain habits of the lying groups. I ask you one thing, 2003 atypical pneumonia time you read news? SARS just at the beginning of our government and how the media is that? I am not saying that all we see are not credible, but I can say for sure is that we have seen many times after the screening, after smearing the information, as far as possible, if possible to see more of the various aspects of information to make judgments .
On the torch being attacked I would like to ask, who really opposed to the Olympic Games? Then they oppose what is? Why do other people do not object to the Olympic Games do not boycott? What landowners and the poor, do you really think that China's position to the extent of people jealous? Said in the West to demonize China, you are who you demonize?
Finally, the Tibetans can only speak for the Tibetans? One of the foreigners is so that today you do not speak for the Tibetans, are you saying no tomorrow. This is their express their opinions and views.
Do not think of that criticism, shame, criticism and opposition of others is not the Chinese people, not the Chinese nation. Humiliated Sham is not you and I, who tried to show the people of the world to see.
□ point Qingre Baihuo eat things not to hurt the body. Aspect then more on the first country, the government, political parties, peoples, nations further clarify these concepts we been able to call backbone. Pose , It is to see you people, you put Pose, national honorary national integrity, you are the representative of the Fourth?

Why do some people threatened to boycott the Olympic Games?

Not long ago, in Lhasa, Tibet and Sichuan, Gannan of the "dirty independence" elements of the heinous acts of disturbances, no humanity at all those rebels wanton killings, plunging people into misery beating, smashing, looting, burning evil, harmony, and prosperity of the Tibetan suffered huge losses, the destruction of the beautiful Gesanghua饱受to the holy snow-covered plateau greatly tarnished, stern cloth Tala Palace deep shame, moving against the tide of history "- impaired "condemned by the act, the first 10,000 people disabled, was widely condemned by the international community. Recently, the symbol of unity, civilization and progress of the global Olympic Torch transfer activities are being carried out in a warm, flame transfer process is like a beautiful link to link hearts of the peoples of the world together to jointly toward faster, higher, Subsequent "One World, One Dream" soul towards the Pure Land. This is all the world's common aspiration of people of the event. 。 However, it is regrettable that in a few countries in the course of the torch relay, a "dirty drug" elements interfere with the activities of the misdeeds of the torch relay, and even attempted to snatch the Fight torch acts of violence, these "dirty drug" for fear that the world is not chaos, it seems that the torch relay and wherever they arise where their purpose is to make the torch relay activities unsuccessful, Park Man, the world could use the opportunity speculation "dirty drug," and disrupt the torch relay, Olympic destruction. I know the Internet, the "dirty drug" elements also to 300 euros per person price Employment Westerners voicing support for the help, the results really are some so-called "civilized country" and "Laji" In order to sell 300 euros and conscience, " 5 m Bucket "and Zheyaoshan was dirty drug molecules when the dog Shihuan. Results how like? Dirty drug molecules interference not only did not succeed, but the same people like flies sick people like a plague strokes disgust, not to eat mutton, and the sweep of the world - in front of the whole world disgraceful exposing his ignorance, backward, vicious true, it naturally incurred the seven continents and five oceans with a conscience spurned by the people and the shelling. Today, the torch still burning flames, transmission activities are still being carried out in full swing……
However, people in the "dirty drug" elements abhorrence criticized at the same time, do not even have to ask, Where is the source of evil? Is it simply the number of international exile "seek pretexts" to do by these movements? From 300 euros to afford the trick dog fee? Who is to backing up the dirty drug molecules; Who is behind the "dirty drug" elements Dangqiangshi for them frantically, since no country, let them like ants trying to shake the tree, Tang arm a truck, for their demise before the crazy? The day before yesterday, we see from the Internet, the United States House of Representatives and the European Parliament have adopted on the issue of Tibet anti-China motion on the recent riots and confound black and white and confusing right and wrong, and the Chinese Government in accordance with the law of disposal of unrest in Tibet and viciously criticized attacks. 他They finally laid their own fox tail.
Oh, I see!
Why did the "3.14" after the riots, the news media should they violate professional ethics for the "something else" type of distorted reports?
Why the Olympic torch relay in those countries they frequently subject to interference?
Why dirty drug money call on those elements of human dirty drug money eyes Kusang? Why do some people threatened to boycott the Olympic Games?
Now all understand. The original is.
Oh, think again. Or have "groups" that China's bullying Let's help, the Opium War, the Sino-French War, the Eight-Power Allied Forces in the war no less their shadow; carving up spheres of influence in China, building settlements and stuck in the door "Chinese and dogs not access, "No fewer of them was in the invasion of Tibet, in an attempt to separate Tibet from China in the activities of something they did not spend less; year in China do whatever they want, burning, killing, abduction rob, and the 10,000 Yuanmingyuan Park Park into the ashes like They also have "Qingying."
It is a joke. A country is a country of the other family gesticulating, to a resolution of the meeting. If China has also decided to meet Americans eating two meals a day and must use chopsticks to eat, how do you think the Americans; if China also decided to let the Europeans to meet the euro made strawberry shapes, the pants to see which trip.
It is a joke. Sao through to the Olympic Games to China's Paper, a sports will be political, to put pressure on China to do dismembering China's "Dream." To be blunt it, and Austria will be moving in the world of the Austrian dynamic, open well, the whole world glamour, a well, not face the world. Moreover, the politicization of sports, it is the Cold War mentality, as early as outdated, and now the world through Uncle Sam's "efforts" were not enough chaos? We want to open a incorruptly quietly Olympic Games, as the Chinese saying a word: "work - on work." Furthermore, to make a good Olympic Games, to safeguard national sovereignty, Shuqingshuchong, the Chinese people have not "stupid" to the confusion level.
It is funny. IF passed the torch relay would like to see China go wrong joke. Openly in a country with no guarantee of the safety and international events successfully, in the end who is the joke?We envisage that a head of state to visit another country in the process of being played badly battered, it is the incompetence of who? Who is the joke? Who ashamed? The answer seems quite simple bar.
Some people want to ask? The United States-led western countries, the Chinese people is not Arouse them why they do nothing Huashi old trying to find fault with China?
Ah yes, in addition to the above those things, there are still many things that are so, for example, in the Taiwan independence issue, on the issue of East Turkistan They appeared very "enthusiastic" and said many East Turkistan elements are hiding in the United States and Europe, Moreover, the United States population heads shouting does not support Taiwan independence, but this year Taiwan's "3.20" before the election, they of the "small Ying," open to the outlying Taiwan do? we all understand, but, Taiwan independence elements controlled by the Government or unpopular and disastrous defeat as "not to help the fools." Americans do not stem the erosion of the chicken metres folly has been a lot of lot of disk.
Why do Westerners old trying to find fault with China?
” By Chun Wan Cai Mingzhao Big Sister program said: "Why is this?" I would like to, the answer is three-fold: First, Buyaolian Second is selfish; Third, it is fear.
Buyaolian. Old Westerners love playing a double standard, this "double standard" is the official language, according to civil language called "say one thing and do another," that is "Buyaolian."Americans such as wantonly killing Iraqis, the past few years have been 600,000 Iraqis died in the war, and Americans did not face red and everywhere to accuse others of human rights issues; disturbances such as treatment, others called to dispose of their repression, they own domestic criminal acts is the disposal of the rule of law, called to defend freedom and democracy, you ask them so many police custody do? Why do they not dissolve their armed forces? As their nationals not more freedom? These Westerners by the idea of China's treatment of criminal offenders not to allow criminals beating, smashing, looting, until the satisfaction of criminals until the country fragmented so far thisdemocracy, freedom, and so they only happy so that they can, like very modern like "freedom" to China to bully the Chinese people. How Buyaolian ah! Think about all nausea.
Selfish. Western countries one by one dressed like Mengnalisha regarded himself as lovely as selfless as savior, in fact they are "also a whore, and also Lipaifang" Holding high the banner of democracy and freedom everywhere aggression and expansion, damaging Lee has been, extortion and nothing to the extreme. For example, attacking Iraq is to plunder oil eastward expansion of NATO is to ruin Russia, and their support for Tibetan independence, Taiwan independence, the aim is not to democracy, freedom, or to Tibet, the people of Taiwan, but to blockade, and dismembered the collapse of China, and achieve their ulterior motives. Some time ago, I watch TV serial "Xinshanghaihan" played Feng Jing Yao Li Xuejian had such a dialogue: "Do not look at one of those foreign devils like West Shaxiaozi same, in fact they are a bad stomach the water." Even then triad godfathers are evaluated them, then what Fine.
Afraid. Afraid of a strong China, fear the rise of China. Over the past several decades, China has, under the leadership of the Communist Party, through reform and opening up has made noteworthy achievements, a 5,000-year civilization of the state as if the sleeping lion wakes up and stand in the East, for those who experienced the fear and the Western powers. disturbed. As everyone knows, the mad dog bites reported Boren hurt because it snakes wounding Boren also because it hurt, even people they were not malicious. Although the civilization of the Chinese people on the state of the world is full of goodwill, but those who have been in "Menopause" Western powers because of fear and anxiety, so they will do everything possible to obstruct and interfere with the development of China and a strong, we must always use every opportunity to China create trouble, we must always trying to find fault with China, and China's development sooner, the damage will be more intensified, is the so-called tree may prefer calm, but the wind blows. In this regard, people should be well prepared ideologically.
Between justice and evil is always followed by, but justice will ultimately defeat evil super.
When the spring breeze blowing, not because Several grass was ruined, it would not have green land, it will not be because few peach flowers do not pick on the open everywhere.
China's development and the trend is strong, will not be trouble, as several Diaoliangxiaochou and stagnation. China's reunification is the trend of the times, Shun Cheong who, Nizhe death. Those few fleas as the "dirty drug" elements can be covered Dingfan?
Westerners should learn to adapt to, more people will be beneficial to have things their own love is the love of others. From the state-to-state relationship, the world final analysis, or a law of the jungle in the world, is to take a backward, it is repeatedly proved to be the truth that has been, therefore, to millions of Chinese people cherish the hard-won development opportunities at present, abandoned snail Shell in the dispute, solidarity and self-reliance, common external. Thus, those who would like to malicious intentions of Westerners are not. Otherwise, when Westerners waiting for the fish chopping it. But every day they wait China chaos, waiting for the Chinese people themselves try to split oh.

In the company, as a cadre, Chasaochagang is an important task

In the company, as a cadre, Chasaochagang is an important task. The company is generally a row cadres week classes, one night a. This work is necessary, it can supervise and inspect the work of the soldiers on duty cadres, can also ensure that the military and security targets security. I joined the Army 10 years, half the time in the organs, half of the time in the company. In the company, often Chasaochagang. This Chasaochagang seemingly simple, but to get good results, there are many methods and stress. I Nan'ao Island in the time that the company, the situation is relatively simple: two units at the outpost, a fixed post, a swimming post, the other on the dog unit raised 67 dogs, in the evening, these dogs automatically to the barracks standing guard around the hill. So here is to look at the Chaisao up.
1973 I was transferred to an arms and ammunition warehouse office, the situation will be quite different. Here barracks complex area of the terrain, from the first outpost to go to the last outpost Qibali, here is the liberation of bodies up everywhere graves, bones of the dead throughout the entire area covered with weeds, lush trees, all kinds of poisonous snakes which appear . And the importance of security objectives, not perfunctory, Chaishao it is very important. On the outpost strict requirements for first class post every night surrounded by security must be inspected once again the Treasury, and to drag a drag hands warehouse door locks to see whether they lock firmly, Fangxiao, will not be allowed to rely on in the trees, etc. etc.. It is very difficult to implement these requirements, the inspections do not visited because you do not know, did not check locks you do not know, he had to rely on the post when the tree, it is up to you to the Chasao he Nuokai has also unknown. This, of course, depend on positive education and training soldiers on the sense of responsibility and consciousness, but also some measures and methods. At that time, some very Suzhulin warehouse approach, which he Chagang, dark pre-first class, he was surrounded by the Treasury to lap in the Treasury put locks on a small sand, in the outpost around the tree clearing Wong Nai more, the next day, he would get up to visit, to see the locked out of the sand did not, and then in the morning Chucao pool, back to the whole, to see who's back there Wong Nai, told to list a few of the Treasury did not lock out the sand, first class Kong last night asked who they were out for criticism and education, not the unconvinced. Basically eliminated Sentinel perfunctory do not have a strong sense of responsibility, such as the effect phenomenon. Although this is some small things, but very important set of rules and regulations, to guarantee the implementation of the supervision and inspection will be carried out, there should be measures to, or is empty. He is with some of the approaches.
1975, I was transferred to an alpine-stop service concept, not only here cadres and fighters to Fangxiao, there are many jobs, such as radar, at the Treasury, signals, interception, etc. So, not only Chaishao night, but also Chagang and all Status very scattered, a few were living in the hills, Walk down to the two to an hour, very hard, the biggest problem here is the various units guard post because of the decentralized live each unit to barracks at night, there must be a lookout by the team to make their own arrangements, the easier the problem is, in a post called a Kong, have woken up the next after that, I know that, on a post on sleeping comrades gone, as a result, a gang of comrades who turned and fell asleep on the Tuigang. Talked about this issue many times, but always unresolved, Tuigang phenomenon is a frequent occurrence. One night, I Chaishao, Xiabanye little more than Raymond, a radar unit, no outpost, all units sleep tightly, barracks doors open, arms placed in a running gun rack, I had two laps room Rao , no one wakes up, I took it in a gun rack rifles, and return to the duty room. My intention is to let them see the danger and seriousness of Tuigang. The next day, get up the morning assembly, less a radar gun unit, we find everywhere, no, but future head of the report, they asked why the station, the outpost to do, let them go back and find, not to find the gathered. I and the head of communication, morning, specialized radar units to be opened, checked reasons, on the hazards, develop measures, and then also opened the station's General Assembly, to draw lessons from other units, have received a good results. This move a little loss, but not the worst choice, not enough to arouse awareness and attention, it is still good purpose

Wayida 82-year-old film "Ka Ting tragedy

Wayida 82-year-old film "Ka Ting tragedy," to commemorate the 40 killed in Poland by the Soviet Union officers. These people are dead in Katingsenlin. This Smolensk in Russia near the woodland, more than 20,000 people had been buried, everyone is a brain shot, the former piercing. German first discovered it, publicity is the masterpiece of the Soviet Union, the Soviets regained sites, and have also used all kinds of evidence that the German masterpiece。 In this way the truth was buried in the hearts of Poles, in the head, until the hood of a totalitarian regime collapsed months, the Polish people have the right to cry for Ka Ting. Whether Nazi or Soviet KGB, for a long time living in the country lies inside the military or spies, I am afraid nobody minds of the value, and therefore the two sides accusing each other for the massacres of Ka Ting, who seems to be in it regardless of which party it is is possible. Why are they so cold-blooded? In their eyes, and shot one shot and one animal may not essentially different from each person to penetrate the minds of bullets, that is more than 20,000 sound Menxiang, more than 20,000 people is the same as wood collapsed, buried , in the deep pit. If one minute of killing a person, that is 20,000 minutes, that is more than 300 hours, gunfire reverberated in the Katingsenlin in 10 days. This requires much psychopathic can do, what kind of hatred there is a need to complete? But all without the slightest sense of relationship and hatred, their practices and the Chinese ancient Qin Zhao 400,000 soldiers Kangsha reason is the same, because these people are the future of the enemy soldiers, the backbone of the army and the core protest, only kill them, to weaken the enemy combat strength, it can have a better conquer Poland。 And the young generation of the most outstanding soldiers disappear, and the human Ka Ting also connected to the Ancient of desolation, where the mapping is one of the most heart Millennium Heianshijie unchanged.
Although people do not have much of the ancient and change, but as time goes by, more and more countries have declared entered the ranks of the civilized. In the modern concept of human rights and the concept of national development of the day, people are able to identify those countries can do such a thing, in which they heard such things in mind when the cold-blooded no misgivings, no doubt. the same common, they like weaving lies, like the highly centralized political power, nationalist feeling serious, and the people living in a similar anxiety and emotional, its regime does not trust any religion. Countries such everyday life in the control and monitoring of the day, no one is an exception. They layers of parcels, features a clear success for the purpose of the carnage countries. Kating bear the Poles for 50 years, but also to the violent confrontations of the 1950s. 。 Polish solution is what they flooded us, we will use all relative to their submerged. So for the children to go to school in his father fill in the biographical notes in Ka Ting killed by the Soviet Union, he believed that life only a curriculum vitae, as if there is only one truth。 Mrs. choice of General Yong refused to refuse to German propaganda, when Germany refused to believe that Ka Ting people to do the lies, lies in the refusal obedient, refused to yield. Captain shot himself, that the youth ripped off her false posters in the car died, it built sister adhere to the truth. Choice and are unwilling to give up the truth with lies and to renew their own future.。 This force is a vibrant civil society that they and only they exist, people will remember better to seek their own beautiful life. Although the victory they can not enjoy the fruits, but they enjoy the process.
Faced with the truth is the greatest loyalty to Poland, perhaps it will die, but who will not die? They lie, we will use honest, they want to focus on, we seek democracy, their contempt for the precious, and we think that's very noble sentiment, they do not trust any religion, but religion and the world is all evil enemies. Each has insisted awakened. Where are the seeds, where harvesting will, it is eternal unchanging truth. Therefore, in the 50 years after the gun sounds, all the truth, and what is the best hearts of people power, and whether any have been highlight?
In 1979, Pope John Paul II's visit to his native Poland, the official propaganda that only old woman before going to welcome, but the result was all head in all directions, is no end in sight, the police, officials are completely submerged in the flow inside. A young man at that moment said, "We so much, they so little," which is the outcome already. 。 Democratic Poland, the Polish people did not like the Soviet Union, in the cleansing work of living under a totalitarian regime is done even spy people that they are settled. 这 Is it not can think of? Let us look at the Wayida "Ka Ting tragedy" Drifting in the gunfire in the Lord's Prayer, "Our Father ah, you would like to bank on the orders of the ground, as it is in heaven, our daily diet, today give us, forgive us our sins, as we forgive their sins…… "in the face of death made by the thrills of reconciliation, as the Polish national flag colors, although the past, we had this blood flow, but we are willing to work from , who have since time immemorial from the endless darkness, because we are all inside, even today, is the same.

Godson notebook go out of the country the confusion

Godson see notebook sales in the Netherlands issued, really are happy for Godson, in a hurry landing Godson notebook Dutch company Van Der Led agents (VDL) website, but am very disappointed that in the press release PC propaganda channel Van Der Led (VDL), surprisingly, a main lamp-based online marketing companies, few products, in addition to lighting at the same time also sells several MP3, MP4, of course, the five colors Godson notebook.
This company not only old Yao was puzzled, if a light-emitting diode-based company sold can be called Godson notebook PC channel, then had to release a suspected Godson the purpose of this news, Yao verify old ideas, old Yao specially www.vanderled.com site inspection of the registration date: April 15, 2007, as the date: April 15, 2008 (in this old Yao would also like to remind Vander led the company continued fees), and registration for the KEY-SYSTEMS GMBH, specifically to the old Yao-KEY SYSTEMS GMBH website read about, it was a domain name service company.

To verify the attractiveness of this site, although the old Yao did not quite believe that the Alexa statistics, as a reference data can be However, the three-month average volume on the top 810 companies, only after April 7 to 20 ranking among all of a sudden more than 10,000, the company's online business over the past year should be basically zero, ranked 10 million less than the old Yao bar the flow of 100 people a day, do not know whether it is because in China Releases Godson because of this site recently Traffic suddenly, regardless of the flow from the site if it is difficult to believe that people have a certain scale companies. Netherlands old Yao did not know the locals, no specific inspection of the company's size, appearance if only from the above data, the company will undoubtedly linked to the suspect air of dog meat, is also suspected to ceremoniously launched the Godson Dutch company news distribution Godson notebook motive, according to company vice president of Kelon dream of the right-Lin Wu, "VDL is a PC Netherlands channels, it will be affixed to its own brand sales in the Netherlands. current international Godson of the Netherlands to far more than a country, France and the United Kingdom are also channels for computer and a dream of Kelon, is preparing to push a similar ultra-portable computers, but configuration and Jisus different. "Hopefully, France and the United Kingdom computer channel is not the same as the Netherlands selling lamps and an MP3 company

French impression: not so romantic

I can not complete summary of France in the end is what kind of a country, I can only say this:
To the French, you will discover that France did not romantic.
Paris, the heartland of the following entry:
Many of whom work is very lax, but like like China, like buck-passing.
Sometimes, you will find that everywhere in the streets and alleys of the past, men waved to the woman, the woman said to be day to a maximum of 30 passengers.
They very much on the money, if it is to住旅馆husband and wife, they ask who will pay, pay attention AA system.
Many men are dirty, and the suits often only appear in public places.
A lot of people complain every day the world will be unfair to hope that France and die.
。 French people in the political fanaticism, and not just as simple as fanatical about their power than the desire of the Chinese people's desire for power is not inferior.
France does not have the prevalence of firearms, and the crime rate was also low.
France theft incidents have occurred, but no more than Italy.
France does not like the United States so many people unable to practice at 1:00 in the legal, but police documents like checks.
Unlike France, as the British classical solemnity, but are on the upper reaches of society face.
。 France is on the Church of classical art, but the streets are basically popular American music.
France do not know how in the end, because I see are superficialBut on the whole, she is definitely not the movie or publicity to the Chinese government as the French people are romantic yourself.
CNN,BBC了。 So: not too CCTV life, but also will not be too CNN and the BBC.